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Localización: Barcelona, Cataluña (ESPAÑA) ESPAÑA



Started composing when he was 16 with a Commodore Amiga 1200, Belonging to a demo group called Polygon, they created a live audio visual act that consisted in using two Amiga’s and a PC. They performed at: Live dance Festival 96, Tribal Nation, Fimes 96 and 97.

After putting aside for a few years his music carrier he opened a Club in Estepona (Malaga) becoming the home of Raveface’s headquarters of retransmission. In 2001 Ben created Dancekulture, promoting unforgettable events on the Costa del Sol. After a few years he worked as a booker for Satisfaxion (pioneers of the dace scene in the south of Spain). Getting back in the scene, he performed at festivals such as: RC01, RC02, Evantec in Madrid and Retro Alandalus In Cadiz. He published a track in the third edition of the cd recompilation Break Beat Series and recently has just edited a track in Budweiser’s Clubbing Experience.

Currently Dusak is based in Barcelona and moves about the North-East of Spain. Working with Yasmin as his main female vocalist that gives those tracks just the touch they need, and serving up sets of quality electrofunkytechouse on a thumping dirty base line… getting the crowed up from start to finish.

